Greetings cards

With envelopes & protective cellophane sleeves.

Pwinty greetings cards

Our personalised greeting cards are perfect whether you’re sending a letter, invitation or a birthday card.

Every personalised greeting card is individually printed on 320gsm thick, art paper and comes with a fresh white envelope at no extra cost.

You can order as singles or get discounts on multipacks of 4, 8, 16.

  • Printed on 320gms thick watercolour paper
  • Smooth white surface with satin finish
  • Supplied with envelopes & protective cellophane sleeves
  • Made in the UK

Greetings cards on our partner company's site: Read more

Available sizes

Standard 100 x 150mm 4 x 6"
A6 105 x 148mm 4.1 x 5.8"
Square 145 x 145mm 5.7 x 5.7"
Large 127 x 178mm 5 x 7"

Also available